28 August 2009 1 task: Top-up Oxygen Tank Uncle Billy tested me how to go to Jurong West from Yishun sia. lol? Well, there's a reason behind it. Next week, I lead my father the way as he will be away to Malaysia. @_@
Take the empty tank at Jurong West, top up at Shipyard, back to Jurong West. End the task. Go back home also no use, hear noises from lift upgrading and anytime almost-non-stop barking neighbour's dog? Paris & Milan (SG) Episode 21 (Part 2) from 3:00 to 4:20 and from 5:40 to 7:00, Sibeh LOL. For 5:40-7:00, almost same scenrio as my neighbour lor!
I wonder if my neighbour has actually abused their dog. I think so. =P
10.30am to 3pm at Jenny's house. Facebook-ing & Henesys PQ-ing. Facebook - Quick view at Taiko12 Competition photo albums - Application: Speed Maths
Facebook - Henesys PQ: Get agent earring after exchanging 100 intelligence scroll. We wanted it? - Gold Compass letters: She needs it.
Meanwhile, her sis returns home and play the movie "Money No Enough 2". OMG lar... I recall past incident again sia! Blog post quoted from Money No Enough 2 on 22/11...
VCD borrowed from my friend, since I was unable to watch that time due to Great Grandmother-in-law funeral. The whole movie, really reminds me about my grandmother and grandmother-in-law.
Time flies. My grandmother passed away 1 year ago, great grandmother-in-law 3 months ago and grandmother-in-law 2 months ago. 1-by-1 left the Earth within 1 year.
The day my grandmother-in-law passed away, I was kinda shocked. Can't even sleep. Should I blame myself for not visiting her? My brother lar... kns him. I want go, he dun wan go. WTF lor. Everything... just because of him, I cannot do this do that.
Well, not so related to the movie anyway. What's related then? My parents discuss with their sibilings regarding how to take care their mother. Take turns? Hire maid?
Wow... this movie is saying the same thing. Exactly the same which my parents had experienced. I even asked my mother as she was watching it as well. "Does this scenrio look extremely familiar to you?"
Watch until her mum also returns home liao. @_@ Pattern same as my mum. Something like: Today's dinner... dunno cook what. Haven't decide. Need to rush off, because haven't take lunch.
26 August 2009 Boxes to be delivered from AMK & Mount Elizabeth to Marina Mandrain Marina Mandarin Hotel. ERP is indeed Every Road Pay.
Trolley to be sent from Pioneer Hub to TTSH. Outside Pioneer Hub, there's a centipede. O_O
Delivery ends at TTSH. I headed to ZoneX AMH Kub AMK Hub. I saw this familiar girl again. Oh my... she happens to be the one from Taiko Forum - cats_and_corgi. Soon after a few other people arrived: th_newbie, mitsurugi, Zenova, and some other people.
The last song I played is Dragon Spirit. Ya, I know I pass this song a lot of times. This time round, I tried 2x speed which I failed thrice. This is my 4th attempt. Left (Red): Me; Right (Blue): mitsurugi
Screwed the front part, average on the back part. Passed by 2 bars.
On 25 August 2009 midnight (technically on 26 August 2009)... Jenny added rats & gums into my restaurant. 1 minute later, Brenda removed those rats & gums which Jenny added.
21 August 2009 Start off with 1 delivery/collection. Jurong West (near Gek Poh). The maid told me to turn clockwise, then can remove the thing from Oxygen Tank. Then I find it... a bit not right. I tried anti-clockwise... also buay sai. lol~ Then bring down, let Billy turn. So, it's anti-clockwise.
Bring 5 bags of posters to Pioneer Hub. Bring the Oxygen Tank to refill liquid Oxygen. Return the filled liquid Oxygen Tank back. End of task.
Then of course lar, Jurong West is the last stop. Jenny's house is my next stop. At her house doorstep, can hear her & her sis's voices from Kitchen. (Eek! I'm so bad... eavesdropping.) Dang, my hungry stomach... she also can hear. =.= From 11am to 2.30pm in her house. Even those plates, she told me self-service. My 2nd home ah? LOL *jk* Anyway, it is somehow similar to my house lar. So I roughly know where is it. Some people's house I visited hor... I dam lost. Then went Jurong Point (JP). 1 round of Taiko before she goes work.
Next, Peter wanted to meet me. Due to his & my current locations, meet at Yishun. So after walking around JP, I go to another point - Northpoint (NP). Around NP, met tio Melvin. lol sia. Dunno NP is still small after extension or Singapore is really small?
After that, Peter arrived. Settle a bit of HornTail thread updates, then headed home.
18 August 2009 The day Jun Le suddenly cancelled outing due to personal reasons. Initial plan was to go JP walk around (since he never go there before [I went dunno how many times liao... lost count]) & play Taiko11 with him (since when he keeps asking me to play with him???).
Cancelled outing. I ask him whether he is available on Thursday (20 August 2009) or not when I'm available. He's ok with it. So sian sia. Facebook... zzzz. Maple... zzzz. Other stuffs... zzzz. End up, playing Maple's Monster Carnival 2. Swap MC-ing. What is Swap MC?
Swap MC = Take turns to win
To get Rank A full EXP for the Winning team (87.5k EXP), a minimum of 500 CP has to be obtained & stay inside for a minimum of 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes has passed & winning team obtained 500 CP, the losing team can leave the map by having the party leader to quit party. Once teleport out, invite the member back to party.
Next round, losing = win. Winning = lose. And so on.
Until 3.35pm, Jenny sms-ed me. *(How does she know I'm bored at this time???)* On ba... Iluma mah. Suan bian sign up the competition if I want to. Total number of rounds played: 7 (including 1 solo) = $7 Competition registration fee: $9 (Jenny & Hayatae asked me to... lol!!!) Total: $16 (excluding transport expenses)
I think Thursday outing, I need to cancel it. lol~ Way home is kinda maddness. As usual, I transfer at Jurong East instead of City Hall/Raffles Place. Instead of transfer at Jurong East directly, I make a loop since the station is crowded. zzzz!~ That means, if she alights at Boon Lay, I cross to the other side of platform at that station also. However, it becomes... we make a loop at Joo Koon. Train arrives at Joo Koon. Eh, we own the train??? The whole train looks like only got 2 passengers excluding the train captain. Take 1 row of seat each and "sleep". Legs on seats. @_@
A moment later, a few passengers boarded the train. Headed home after this. End the day...
1st stop: Bugis Meet Victor at Bugis before heading to Iluma for movie ticket purchase. Proceed to Sultan Gate (Beach Road) by bus for lunch - Red Wine Chicken. After lunch, he recalled his childhood days. lol~ Also, he was looking for some stuffs he wished to buy.
By the time he settled everything and return to Iluma, almost 3.40pm. The movie is "Where Got Ghosts?". It is divided into 3 parts. It can be watched for entertainment purposes, as this "hor-medy" (Horror + Comedy) isn't that horrify at all. More on comedy. The 3 parts, "Roadside got Ghost", "Forest got Ghost" & "House got Ghost".
Roadside got Ghost The best part is about the Oranges which Fu & Shou took from the "dead". They told the "dead" that, any matters go find Cai since he's not afraid of ghosts. Cai did not know where these oranges came from. He ate it and said that these oranges are tasteless. The reply: Sugar-free oranges
About this part: Shou, Fu & Cai have new scamming tricks. Making random calls to people and promise them fortune. In the event they won lottery, these people have to pay a 20% commission else be scared.
One day, Cai receives a phonecall of the same trick he used. Unknown caller told him that, he has to pay 18% commission if he won the given number. Believing it is some sort of copycat, he ignored but continues to buy the given number "6666".
To his surprise, it came out as 1st & 2nd prize. He further ignored what the stranger mentioned. When the 3 guys met up the stranger in green, they were threatened to be knocked down by a vehicle while crossing the road if they do not pay up the 18% commission. Eventually, Cai was dead after being knocked down by a car which flew out from a Flyover. Inside the car, it was the "dead" which Fu & Shou took the oranges from.
Forest got Ghost The lamest part is about a girl in red (who is actually a ghost) mentioned about David Footballfield. -_-"
Nan & Lei headed back for a reservist training. They were sent to a forest which is known to be haunted. After realising they were lost, they decided to take shortcut. Lei found a tombstone, with a pretty girl picture graved on it. Nan told him to move on and stop saying something to the tombstone. Suddenly, it rains. They encountered a girl (Yin) in red. Nan & Lei went to the Yin's house.
After watching Yin's magic show, Nan & Lei wanted to learn from her. With the help of Yin, their neck were tighten with rope as tightly as possible. After Yin cuts off the rope, they flew out of the house and strangled to death at the treetop.
This part of story ended where another pair of reservist men whom faced the same situation as Nan & Lei. Instead of meeting the girl, they met 2 guys (most likely, the 2 guys are Nan & Lei).
House got Ghost This is the continuation from the movie - Money No Enough2. During the 7th month of lunar calendar, some strange happenings occured at home. It is all about the deceased mother who passed away 1 year ago. The chair suddenly appeared, the 3 sons complained that mother did not bless them well, mother appeared in their dream, etc.
Eventually, they escaped from death as their deceased mother stops them from driving further due to upcoming landslide ahead.
Next, took a copy of Taiko12 competition form which meant for Jenny. Since I walked past mah, so why not?
2nd stop: Boon Lay/Jurong West Since JP is my next stop. Unfortunately, I estimated the time wrongly. End up, she waited for me. Whether she will be available on that day, I still passed her the form.
1st time reached JP so late. =x Most of the time, I waited for her. Now she waited for me. 6.20pm - 7.10pm: Outside Subway (I hungry) 7.10pm - 9.30pm: ZoneX (Obviously, you know what we will be doing here.)
Cycling destination on 11 August 2009. Recalling... 4 years ago. This was gathering place for my ex-secondary school Annual Cross-country at MacRitchie carpark. Source: Yishun Secondary School magazine 2005
This was the starting point. Source: Yishun Secondary School magazine 2005
Obvious destination? This time round with Jun Le, it is MacRitchie.
2005 VS 2009 MacRitchie. Hey! Where's our gathering point 4 years ago!?
Random scenery
4 years ago, this is the starting point for Cross-country
Instead of running, we cycle + walk.
This is where we used to run through.
Now we are inside the trail. There are lots of memories behind this trail. Haha. We still remember during our Cross-country run in Secondary 4, we tried our best to run as far as we can. Siong sia. Run until part of Lornie Road... no more energy liao. Reach finishing point... almost "dead". That was last time, now we don't.
Beware of monkeys. Monkeys: Bananas please.
Another random scenery
Rest point at the Cafeteria. Then cycle back home. Did not expect that it is his birthday. OMG? Surprise. Happy Birthday, Jun Le!!! (Belated birthday as at this time of post.)
Roads taken (Loop at Lornie Road) Yishun Ring Road Yishun Ave 2 Lentor Ave Yio Chu Kang Road Upp Thomson Road (Return route: Old Upp Thomson Road after AMK Ave 1) MacRitchie Lornie Road